Special session: |
Recent Advances in Machine and Deep Learning-based Multi-object Detection and Tracking
Dr habil Tudor Barbu
Senior Researcher I, Institute of Computer Science of the Romanian Academy - Iasi Branch
ALL the papers for the special session will be sent to the email address tudor.barbu@iit.academiaromana-is.ro. The manuscript(s) must respect the requirements specified on the web page: http://scs.etti.tuiasi.ro/isscs2025/proceedings.html |
Confirmed plenary speakers:
Professor Rui Martins  Analog and Mixed-Signal CMOS: A key area in IC Design behind the emergence and leadership of a Lab excelling at the core of the A/D Interface in the IoE
Professor Xiaoping (Steven) Zhang Department of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering, Chair in Electrical Power Systems, Director of Smart Grid, Birmingham Energy Institute
Professor Weisi Lin  How to Contain Large Learning-based Models? 
Professor GAO Wen
Department of Computer Science and Technology at Peking University, Beijing, China |
Professor Abhijit Mahalanobis
Department of ECE, University of Arizona, USA |
Professor Baoxin Li
Director and Professor, School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence, Arizona State University |
Professor Joos Vandewalle 
The important role of applied mathematics concepts and algorithms in the engineering education
and research on circuits, signals, systems and data processing  |